Join our Customer Rewards Club

Become a Greenleaf rewards member and receive benefits each time you shop. Free to join, it takes just a minute and you can start earning immediately.

Customer Loyalty Sign Up

Earn $1 for every $50 you spend in store *

It’s simple, get rewarded each time you shop at Greenleaf Pharmacies.

* Excludes all NHS prescriptions, Lotterywest products and NETT.

Receive a $5 welcome voucher & a $10 birthday voucher

When you sign up, we’ll send you a $5 welcome voucher along with a welcome email. You’ll also receive a $10 voucher on your birthday!

Gain year-round access to special offers

You’ll gain access to exclusive offers, members-only discounts, and be the first to know about any promotions.

Receive a free invitation to our annual VIP night

Where you’ll be treated to store-wide discounts, free giveaways, raffle prizes, and delicious, health conscious food and drinks from our generous partners.