Health Services / Pain Management

Need help managing your pain?

Your Greenleaf Pharmacist, along with your doctor or health care professional, can help you to better manage your pain.

Health Services / Pain Management

Need help managing your pain?

Your Greenleaf Pharmacist, along with your doctor or health care professional, can help you to better manage your pain.

What is pain management about?

Pain can be classified as acute or chronic. Acute pain is short term pain or pain with an easily identifiable cause. It is often fast and sharp followed by aching pain and responds well to medications. Chronic pain is pain that has persisted for 3 months or longer. This constant or intermittent pain has often outlived its intention, as it no longer helps the body to prevent injury. Chronic pain can be more difficult to treat than acute pain.

Facts about chronic pain


hospitalisations involved chronic pain in 2017-18

1 in 5

Australians aged 45 and over are affected by chronic pain



is the cost to Australians dealing with chronic pain through reduced quality of life and productivity losses

What will I get?

Your Greenleaf Pharmacist can help you understand more about the type of pain that your body is experiencing and how to best manage it.

Our action plan give you access to a Pharmacist as well as our Greenleaf Naturopath who will both review and assess your individual circumstances. We will then discuss your pain and help you set some goals to overcome your pain.

If you are already taking medications to manage your pain, we can discuss them with you and answer any questions that you may have. We can also provide advice on clinically effective natural anti-inflammatory and pain relief options.

We're here to help. Contact us about pain management today.

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